Sowing the seeds for a just transition: how food and agriculture investments can support fairer contracting Publication, 29 March 2023
Do women have a meaningful role in global value chains, and why does this matter? Insight, 13 October 2022
Better farmer benefits from renewable energy: improving inclusion and uptake in Kenya Publication, 06 October 2022
Redefining smallholder farmer inclusion in modern value chains: three ways forward Insight, 15 September 2022
Revisiting smallholder inclusion in modern value chains as a path to sustainable development Active Project
Leave no one behind: Power and profits in hilsa fishery in Bangladesh: a value chain analysis Publication, 01 December 2016
Rural producer agency and agricultural value chains: What role for socio-legal empowerment? Publication, 01 January 2019
Growing inclusion? Insights from value chain development in Ugandan oilseeds Publication, 01 January 2015