Financing inclusive low-carbon resilient development: Case studies of the Development Bank of Rwanda and the National Domestic Biogas Programme Publication, 01 October 2015
Political economy of international climate finance: Navigating decisions in PPCR and SREP Publication, 01 April 2015
Demanding supply: Putting ordinary citizens at the heart of future energy systems Publication, 01 April 2015
Energising local economies: experiences of solar start-ups in Kenya’s small-scale fishing and agriculture sectors Publication, 01 April 2016
Money is power: tracking finance flows for decentralised energy access in Tanzania Publication, 01 January 2017
Turning up the volume: five insights into aggregating finance for expanding off grid energy investment Insight, 03 November 2017
2014 Barbara Ward Lecture: Fatima Denton calls for a "new paradigm" for African development Event on 20 November 2014
If the coal industry really cared about helping poor countries, it would shut itself down Insight, 17 November 2014
Three big financial shifts put spotlight on social and environmental impacts of large dams — again News, 06 May 2014