Piloting climate-smart development planning for local government in Ethiopia: lessons learned from the BRE programme Publication, 04 March 2024
New Champions Group on Adaptation Finance launched amid call to accelerate adaptation finance News, 22 September 2021
Good climate finance guide: lessons for strengthening devolved climate finance Publication, 01 November 2020
Local level finance: community-led contributions to delivering urban development Publication, 01 February 2017
Voices of people with disabilities must be heard in climate change adaptation debate Insight, 16 May 2014
Kathmandu Declaration: recommendations for financing communities most vulnerable to climate change News, 14 May 2014
Crowd-sourcing ideas to help community-based adaptation finance reach the most vulnerable Insight, 01 May 2014
Conference ends with declaration on finance for community-based adaptation to climate change News, 30 April 2014