Calling for business unusual: mechanisms for delivering change

IIED Briefing
, 4 pages
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Published: April 2020
IIED Briefing Papers
ISBN: 9781784317959
Product code:17749IIED

The climate finance system is failing to respond to the triple crises of poverty, nature and climate. Going further and faster on climate action requires a whole-of-society response and more and better finance that reaches local levels. So, what needs to change? This briefing outlines a reimagined climate finance system led by agile, flexible, pro-poor and locally led adaptation financing institutions from across society that will facilitate more sustainable adaptation actions, and put decisions and resources into the hands of the people and places that need them most. Governments, civil society and the private sector must work together to identify and strengthen mechanisms to deliver a comprehensive adaptation response that will address poverty, restore degraded landscapes and adapt to climate change impacts. Donors and aid agencies must work together to coordinate their support.

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Soanes, M. (2020). Calling for business unusual: mechanisms for delivering change. .
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