Sustainable Development Goals: evaluating progress for a brighter future – podcast

Every country has 2030 as the date for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Some are well on the way to meeting targets, others have further to go. In this new three-part mini-series, we explore how to evaluate progress against the goals. 

Article, 09 December 2021

Evaluating how well countries are meeting targets requires work across different sectors and themes. It’s not only a question of how to do the evaluation, but also, once the results are in, how to support government departments and civil society to act on the findings. 

And as countries deal with the impacts of climate change, including assessment of how climate risks have affected SDG strategies and may do so in the future has become an essential part of any evaluation exercise – but the knowledge of how to do that effectively is not widespread.

This podcast series draws on the knowledge and learning from a longstanding partnership between EvalSDGs (a network of development institutions, policymakers and practitioners), the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) and IIED, with funding contributed by EvalSDGS  through its membership of EvalPartners.

Over the course of three episodes, hosts from each organisation discuss the details and challenges of assessing progress against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with other specialists in evaluation theory and practice.

The podcast covers: 


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The podcast is also available on IIED's YouTube channel.

Episode 1

  • Stefano D’Errico, head of monitoring, evaluation and learning in IIED's Strategy and Learning group
  • Emilie Beauchamp, senior researcher in IIED's Strategy and Learning group
  • Nick Brooks, director of Garama 3C and adaptation specialist
  • Samson Machuka, director of the monitoring and evaluation department in the State Department for Planning and Statistics of the Government of Kenya.

Episode 2

Defining and scoping an SDG evaluation: how do you get started?

In the second episode, produced in both English and Spanish, DEval hosts lead a discussion on the elements to consider for getting started on an SDG evaluation.

The conversation in English features:

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Episode 2

Defining and scoping an SDG evaluation: how do you get started?

In the second episode, produced in both English and Spanish, DEval hosts lead a discussion on the elements to consider for getting started on an SDG evaluation.

The conversation in English features:

The conversation in Spanish features:

Episode 3

Country-led evaluations: revealing the progress of Agenda 2030

The third and final episode focuses on what country-led evaluations can bring to assessing progress towards the SDGs in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which diverts the attention of national and sub-national governments.

The podcast features:

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Listen to our Make Change Happen podcast, which provides informal insights into IIED’s work to create positive change and make the complex issues we face more accessible to wider audiences.