Pastoralism videos/Vidéos pastoralisme
A selection of short videos, in English or French language, exploring the impact of climate change on drylands pastoralists.
Diffa: the morning light/Diffa: les premiers matins du monde
Pastoralism in landlocked Niger in West Africa is a source of huge economic and cultural wealth in one of the poorest countries on earth. 'Diffa, les premiers matins do monde' is a video by Marie Monimart and Steve Anderson that tells the story of how some of these of these pastoralists are successfully managing the cycles of drought and benefiting from new economic opportunities, while others are having to leave and move to towns to find new jobs and opportunities.
The playlist below, and available on our YouTube channel, shows the video in French with English subtitles (original), Arabic with English subtitles, Fulani with English subtitles, and Hausa with English subtitles.
Read a blog about the videos by Camilla Toulmin, while the 'Modern and mobile' book, featuring numerous photos, shows why mobility makes sense in dry regions of the world, to minimise environmental stress and maximise use of a fleeting resource.
Herding chaos/L'élevage et le chaos
This series of documentaries by Saverio Krätli focuses on thriving despite climate change. As the environment becomes more unpredictable all over the world, people face higher costs in an effort to sustain the usual strategies to control it. The WoDaabe cattle breeders show that there is another way.
The playlist below, and available on our YouTube channel, shows the documentaries in English and French.
The Herding chaos videos include/les vidéos élevage et le chaos comprennent:
- Ngaynaaka: Herding Chaos | Ngaynaaka: L'élevage et le chaos
- Those Wild Bororo | Ces Bororo Farouche
- Meeting at the Intusa school (WoDaaBe) June 2008 | Réunion à l'école d'Intusa (WoDaaBe) Juin 2008
Planning with uncertainty: using scenario planning with African pastoralists/Planifier avec l’incertitude : scenario planning avec les éleveurs nomades en Afrique
A series of videos by Saverio Krätli on using scenario planning with African pastoralists (SOS Sahel International UK). The playlist below, and available on our YouTube channel, shows the documentaries in English and French.
Videos include/vidéos comprennent:
- Scenario planning with the WoDaaBe in Niger 2008 | La planification par scénarios avec les WoDaaBe au Niger
- Scenario planning with Boran and Somali Herders (Kenya) | La planification par scénarios avec éleveurs Boran et Somali (Kenya)
Further videos
Peace, trade, livelihoods and adaptation to climate change in Africa's drylands
Education for nomads: voices of the people
This video features Borana, Somali, Gabra and Turkana communities sharing their opinions on pastoralism. It was commissioned by the Ministry for Development of Northern Kenya and other arid lands, and produced by IIED as part of the 'Educating nomads' project.
Ced Hesse ([email protected]), principal researcher, IIED's Climate Change research group