Montréal Declaration on Small-Scale Women Farmers for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use 09 December 2022
Resilient Farming Systems in Times of Uncertainty: Biocultural Innovations in the Potato Park, Peru 01 March 2016
Biocultural Heritage innovations in the Potato Park - SIFOR qualitative baseline study, Peru 01 March 2015
Community biocultural protocols: building mechanisms for access and benefit sharing among the communities of the Potato Park based on Quechua customary norms (detailed report) 01 March 2012
Community biocultural protocols: building mechanisms for access and benefit sharing among the communities of the Potato Park based on Quechua customary norms (summary report) 01 October 2011
Research planning workshop (Cusco, 2005). Protecting community rights over traditional knowledge: Implications of customary laws and practices 01 May 2005