IIED online

People from more than 225 countries and territories visit www.iied.org every year. This website is the key place to find out about our research, read about our projects and learn about the thinking of our researchers and partners.

Man watches a video of elephants on a laptop

The web facilitates organisational transparency: we publish our annual report and details about our finances and funding and our corporate policies.

Good practice and innovation

In building our main website and our sub-sites, IIED is committed to achieving good practice in web development, from technical considerations such as building secure sites, using open source technology where possible, and ensuring that the site is accessible, to complying with privacy regulations and drawing on the latest thinking in user-experience design. IIED has endorsed the Principles for Digital Development

Technical innovation and digital disruption bring technical challenges – and exciting opportunities. We can publish evidence and research in multiple formats – from videos, to animations and in-depth longreads. We work closely with our researchers to build their profiles online, allowing colleagues and collaborators to follow their work.

We are especially aware of the exponential growth of digital audiences across the global South. Tens of thousands of new users in medium-to low-income countries are accessing the digital platforms for the first time, and most of them are using mobile phones.

A critical part of our digital work is to ensure that all our sites present information in formats which are both engaging and accessible for people in the global South: responsive for those using mobile devices and aware of the difficulties faced by users dealing with restricted bandwidth.

We consider the obstacles to increased digital working – from bandwidth and connectivity issues to cost, environmental impact and the political climate – to practical ways to ensure perspectives and voices from the global South are heard. A study we carried out in 2021 considered all this and more.

Our other sites

As well as www.iied.org, we also maintain or oversee around 15 other websites and networks, such as the Reversing Environmental Degradation in Africa and Asia (REDAA) work to catalyse research, innovation and action to help people and nature thrive together, and a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on pastoralism in development.

We frequently share our expertise with partner organisations, creating online platforms that fulfil a diverse range of communications needs and reflect current good practice in web development. We also use digital technology to monitor and evaluate the impact of our communications.

Open access research

Our Publications Library has more than 7,000 publications, most of which are available for free download. Almost half of the more than 200,000 downloads per year from our Publications Library are from the global South.  

The world is social

An important part of our current strategy (2019-2024) is to find ways to strengthen the voices of those who are normally excluded from policy, and to facilitate conversations online. 

We work across a wide range of social networks, exploring how these platforms can enable us to engage with diverse audiences and create new connections around the globeModerated online discussions – such as our series of Twitter chats – can link researchers and inspire new collaborations.

Where you can find us online

Stay up-to-date on our latest blogs, news and publications, interact with live event coverage and engage directly with our researchers about their work, and find out more about our partners.

Use one of the world's biggest social network sites to stay up-to-date on our latest news, blogs, publications and events, and interact with our work.

Receive regular email updates on our general work, forestry issues and our legal tools for citizen empowerment programme direct to your inbox, featuring the latest blogs, news, views and publications.

Watch interviews with researchers, animations and films featuring our work, including coverage of events and collections of related videos.

Track our latest vacancies and business developments, including our latest news, blogs and publications, and network with our expert researchers.

View and download presentations our researchers give about their work at conferences and workshops, and leave comments.

View picture galleries focused on our work and events attended by our researchers, interact and use as a photographic resource.

Listen to episodes of IIED's Make Change Happen podcast, also available through your favourite podcast platform.

Watch high-quality films featuring our work, with a focus on our audiences in countries, such as China, where YouTube is unavailable.

Share in our work in visual form through photos and 15-second videos.

Discover collections of our work in visual form and track how our researchers engage with a global audience.

Find our expert researchers on the academic networking site, interact with them and and view their publications.

Connect with our work on mining and other energy issues on a specialist platform for better governance of extractive industries.

IIED playlists on Spotify.