IIED at the 26th UNFCCC climate change summit in Glasgow, Scotland (COP26).

The delayed 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which binds over 190 Parties, took place in Glasgow from 1 to 12 November 2021 under the presidency of the United Kingdom. It was one of the pivotal events of 2021, with a focus on countries increasing the ambition of their commitments to tackle the climate emergency.
The conference was part of the so-called '2021 super year' of milestones linking climate, nature and people. IIED researchers and partners were present at a host of events throughout the two-week gathering, focusing on issues such as getting climate finance to the local level and supporting negotiators from the least developed countries. Working with partners, IIED also supported grassroots representatives at COP26 and beyond to push for fair and ambitious actions to tackle the climate and nature crises.
The Development and Climate (D&C) Days event from 9-10 November brought together thinking from various sectors that are seeking coherence and cross-cutting collaboration to ensure climate resilience for all.
In spaces in and around COP26 we presented solutions for getting climate finance to the places that need it most, enable indebted countries to use debt management for strategic action on climate and nature, establishing resilient cities and infrastructure, sustainable and effective adaptation to climate change at the local level, and more.
Key events
Development and Climate Days 2021
Date: 9-10 November 2021
This two-day digital event spanned multiple time zones and aims to be the most inclusive D&C Days event yet. We brought together grassroots representatives, researchers, development practitioners and policymakers from across the world to discuss how to work together to build a climate-resilient future for all.
- Read the key messages from D&C Days 2021: five pathways for adaptation, resilience and action
D&C Days provided a space for networking and exchange, and for honest and open discussions on cutting edge climate work with the goal of enhancing understanding of climate risk and creating accessible and actionable strategies for climate resilience.
Development and Climate Days 2021 was organised by several international partners of which IIED is a lead organiser. IIED led on three themes: financing a resilient future, establishing resilient cities and infrastructure, and working with nature to build resilience.
Resilience Hub
Date: 1-12 November 2021
The Resilience Hub offered a virtual space to connect people and a physical space in the Blue Zone at COP26 to connect and network. The programme focused on increasing ambition and delivery of actions that help people, communities and businesses around the globe to adapt to the impacts of climate and build resilience.
It was aligned with the overall COP programme days and themes and supported and complemented Adaptation, Loss and Damage Day, and the High-Level Champions events on global climate action under the Marrakech Partnership.
The Resilience Hub was supported and organised by a group of partners from business, investors, civil society, academia, and coastal, rural and urban representatives regions, of which IIED is a part. IIED led on four themes: finance and investment, nature, food and agriculture, locally-led adaptation and just transition, and cities and urban resilience.
Locally-Led Adaptation Hub
Date: 1-12 November 2021
How to attend: In-person as part of the COP26 Blue Zone for official badge holders, with some livestreaming of specific events
The Locally-Led Adaptation Hub (LLA Hub) at COP26 will be organised around the eight principles for locally-led adaptation that have been developed to help ensure that local actors, such as communities, local governments and civil society organisations, are empowered to lead sustainable and effective adaptation to climate change at the local level.
The principles are endorsed by more than 50 government and non-government organisations, many of who will be joining the hub throughout the fortnight. Hosted by IIED, UN Capital Development Fund and World Resources Institute, the LLA Hub will convene a series of talks, interviews and discussions to deepen awareness of and share experiences with driving locally-led action.
Recognition, rights and redistribution for locally-led pathways towards just and equitable adaptation and resilience
Official COP26 side event
Date: Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Time: 3-4.15pm
How to attend: In person at the Lomond Auditorium (144-person capacity). Watch the live stream
Organised by: IIED, with Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques, Ford Foundation, Fundación Programa Salvadoreño de Investigación sobre Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente (PRISMA), Mainyoto Pastoralist Alliance, Rights and Resources Institute, Inc. (RRI), and Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN)
Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) are widely recognised as being critical for climate change mitigation and resilience. Yet their rights and the recognition of their knowledge are not always respected, and most funding efforts have not reached local levels. This event will propose pathways forward to these challenges.
Speakers from IPLCs and organisations engaged in research efforts on rights-based approaches, locally-led action and climate finance will delve into practical solutions for locally-led-action in ways that merit more recognition, rights and enhanced access to climate finance.
Related reading: Principles for locally led adaptation
Official exhibition stand
How to attend: Virtual
Access a selection of IIED’s latest videos, text and pictures capturing how IIED creates, shares and uses knowledge to shape development policy and practice for climate resilience, equitable global governance and community adaptation to climate change.
IIED is involved in or leading more than 30 events at COP26 across multiple themes and event spaces, including on nature, finance, loss and damage, locally-led adaptation, urban and cities, and much more. Our events seek to profile the voices, stories and needs of local actors across these range of issues.