Pocket Guide to Capacity Building for Climate Change
Developing countries often lack the human, technical, institutional and financial capacity to deal with many of the new challenges posed by climate change consequences. At the same time, they must redouble development efforts to build resilience to climate impacts, and ensure that recent gains are not lost due to climate change, which threatens food, water and energy security, and livelihoods and health.
Government and non-government actors in these countries therefore need additional capacity, not only to deal with the additional challenges of climate change, but also to redouble their development efforts and safeguard development gains.
This thematic guide, updated in March 2018, was developed to provide negotiators and other stakeholders with a brief history of the negotiations on capacity building; a ready reference to the key decisions that have already been adopted; and a brief analysis of the outstanding issues from a developing country perspective.
It is based on a 2016 ecbi Background Paper, "Capacity building under the Paris Agreement", by Mizan Khan, Ambuj Sagar, Saleemul Huq and Penda Kante Thiam.
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Available at https://www.iied.org/g04165