Harare Slum Profiles Report
Dialogue on Shelter and Zimbabwe Homeless People's Federation in partnership with the City of Harare, 98 pages
This includes reports on conditions in 60 informal settlements in and around Harare with details for each of their location, origin (many formed by those evicted from other sites), population, land area, who owns the land and the residents’ land tenure, housing, provision for water and sanitation (or lack of this), service provision (schools and health care) and economic base. It was prepared for the Harare Slum Upgrading Project being implemented by the City of Harare, Dialogue on Shelter and Zimbabwe Homeless People's Federation. It is part of the Federation’s programme to improve conditions for those living in informal settlements including improvements in shelter, infrastructure, services land tenure, livelihoods and in responses to HIV/AIDs.
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Available at https://www.iied.org/g03861