Progress with integrating forests in the SDGs: Reflections on the outcome document of the UN Open Working Group on SDGs
As the process to develop post-2015 sustainable development goals builds momentum, this paper highlights progress to date with the integration of forests particularly in the work of the UN Open Working Group. Three components for the ideal framing of forests in the SDGs are presented, based upon analytical work and wide-ranging consultations, highlighting the need to include enabling targets that address systemic barriers to progress and opportunities for transformative change.
This paper outlines areas of positive progress during the development of the Open Working Group's Outcome Document, as well as emerging issues needing attention by experts, policy makers and negotiators involved with the post-2015 agenda. The paper was originally presented as an input to a workshop entitled 'Forests in the post-2015 framework' organised by the UK Department for International Development and hosted by The Prince’s Charities International Sustainability Unit at Clarence House, 20 October 2014.
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