Opportunities for small-scale producers’ inclusion in dynamic markets in developing countries and transition economies: A synthesis of findings from eight country level chain-wide learning workshops

Event/workshop report
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Published: July 2008
Product code:G03641

Eight country workshops developed in partnership with national institutions and sponsored through the Regoverning Markets’ (RM) programme were held between May 2006 and March 2008. The country coverage was geographically and in terms of the level of market concentration diverse. They were Bangladesh, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey and Vietnam. The objective was to open the space for dialogue on the key issues and opportunities that currently and or could in the future exist and be further developed for enhanced participation in modern agrifood markets by small-scale producers and entrepreneurs. A key focus of these workshops was to build up single stakeholder voice and views and to bring together the views and opinions of multiple stakeholders. The specific emphasis was to deepen the assessment of policies and institutions that can help or hinder the inclusion of small-scale producers and to seek to agree interventions that can remove barriers and foster the broad-based participation in domestic and regional modern agrifood markets.

This publication forms part of the Regoverning Markets project.

Cite this publication

Proctor, F. and Digal, L. (2008). Opportunities for small-scale producers’ inclusion in dynamic markets in developing countries and transition economies: A synthesis of findings from eight country level chain-wide learning workshops. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/g03641