South-South REDD: A Brazil–Mozambique initiative for zero deforestation with pan-African relevance
This report provides an overview of the 'South–South REDD: A Brazil–Mozambique Initiative for Zero Deforestation with Pan-African Relevance'. This collaboration was signed in 2009 between the government of Mozambique, through the Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA), and the Foundation for Sustainable Amazonas (FAS) in Brazil. The Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Directorate of Lands and Forests, was also a key partner and shared the coordination role of the initiative together with MICOA.
The aim was to create the conditions under which Mozambique is able to embark on the implementation of REDD+.
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) provided the technical leadership with Eduardo Mondlane University, Centro Terra Viva (a local NGO) and INDUFOR. The government of Norway provided the funding for the implementation of this initiative.
Overall, the funding allowed the establishment and running of a multi-stakeholder institution comprising national and international institutions, government and non-government as well as academia. This was essential for designing and implementing a robust road map that established the necessary steps for the REDD+ process at national level. Contact with Brazil also enabled the exchange of knowledge regarding local-level planning tools for REDD+, with a particular focus on Manica province. The development of the REDD+ readiness preparation proposal (RPP) was a key milestone in the process, marking the role of the technical support to government. Mozambique’s RPP was formally submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility in January 2012 and approved in March the same year. As a result, Mozambique has the opportunity to access USD 3.8 million to establish a REDD+ strategy, policy and institutional framework, and the reference level and monitoring systems for emissions reduction and other co-benefits.
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