Agrifood Sector Studies China: Restructuring agrifood markets in China - The horticulture sector
Reports/papers (non-specific)
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This report concentrates on identifying the determinants and consequences of restructuring the horticulture sector in China. The analysis is conducted on three levels: macro (policy issues and the national business environment), meso (the different chain segments and villages) and micro (household level). Due to space limitations and the timing of the research, the linkages between the first two levels are analysed in this paper. The micro study is available as a seperate report.
This publication forms part of the Regoverning Markets project.
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Huang, J., Dong, X., Wu, Y., Zhi, H., Niu, X., Huang, Z. and Rozelle, S.
Agrifood Sector Studies China: Restructuring agrifood markets in China - The horticulture sector.
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