Social justice in forestry: Reviewing progress and looking ahead. Report of a Learning Event held at the Ku Chawe Inn, Zomba, Malawi, 2nd to 5th December 2008
Project materials (non-specific)
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Published: March 2009
Product code:G02484
'Social justice in forestry: Reviewing progress and looking ahead' is the report from the Forest Governance Learning Group Learning Event held in Zomba, Malawi in December 2008. The report includes useful sections on each FGLG country; a synthesis of lessons learned on tactics, impacts and coordination; summaries of presentations and discussions on the new phase of FGLG that will take place from January 2009 till December 2013, as well as field visit findings, and participants’ feedback on the event.
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Armitage, N., Morrison, E. and Mayers, J.
Social justice in forestry: Reviewing progress and looking ahead. Report of a Learning Event held at the Ku Chawe Inn, Zomba, Malawi, 2nd to 5th December 2008.
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