Securing Pastoralism in East and West Africa: Protecting and Promoting Livestock Mobility

Reports/papers (non-specific)
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Published: January 2008
Product code:G02237

Livestock mobility allows millions of pastoralists and agropastoralists to lead productive lives in areas few other producers can exploit. It is critical for local livelihoods, for trade, and for coping with climate change. In several parts of Africa there are important efforts underway to facilitate livestock mobility and to remove the obstacles that constrain the inherent flexibility of pastoral systems. This one-year project drew together the lessons from these initiatives in order to increase understanding about the importance of livestock mobility in drylands. In so doing it has laid the foundations for a longer-term programme of work to enhance livestock mobility in East and West Africa and thus promote the sustainability of pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods.~For more information contact Ced Hesse: [email protected]

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IIED and SOS Sahel (2008). Securing Pastoralism in East and West Africa: Protecting and Promoting Livestock Mobility. IIED, London.
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