Evaluating the Zimiseleni researchers' project: participatory research as intervention with 'hard-to-reach' boys (PLA 42)

Journal (part) article
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Published: October 2001
Product code:G01963
Source publication:
Participatory Learning and Action series, issue 42: Children's Participation – Evaluating Effectiveness

Looking at a project that works with young men at the fringes of criminality in a township in South Africa, this paper describes how encouraging the participants to assess their situation from a collective rather than personal point of view can help engineer changes in outlook and perception at an individual level.

This article was published in PLA 42: Children's Participation – Evaluating Effectiveness (October 2001). Participatory Learning and Action (PLA, formerly PLA Notes) is the world's leading series on participatory learning and action approaches and methods. PLA publishes articles on participation aimed at practitioners, researchers, academics, students and activists. All articles are peer-reviewed by an international editorial board.

Click on ‘More information’ to visit: www.planotes.org~Click on 'Additional information' to download the whole issue or individual articles for this issue of PLA.

Cite this publication

Clacherty, G. and Kistner, J. (2001). Evaluating the Zimiseleni researchers' project: participatory research as intervention with 'hard-to-reach' boys (PLA 42). .
Available at https://www.iied.org/g01963