PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 22 A brief guide to training methods and approaches

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 22 A brief guide to training methods and approaches Methods of training to participants. They are often combined with visual aids, such as slides or overheads. Even This section of the Notes provides training in training programmes on participatory materials for participatory learning, exploring learning, some lecturing will be needed. However, lectures have many disadvantages. a different theme in each issue1. This issue They do not necessarily take into account the explores different approaches to training other individual needs, interest and pace of trainees. people in participatory learning. Many methods of instruction can be used during Discussion and debate are kept to a minimum training. For a training which stresses active so creative and reflective learning is limited. participation and open dialogue, it is essential that trainers use a style of training that is Deliver short lectures and break them up with buzz sessions (see Box 1). Allow plenty of consistent with these values. time for the preparation of materials. Remember that your presentation will be more It is best to use a combination of learning methods and to alter the tempo of the training. effective if you say what you are going to ...
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