PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 18 Mixing and matching methodologies in Redd Barna Uganda

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 18 Mixing and matching methodologies in Redd Barna Uganda Joanita Sewagudde, Geoffrey Mugisha, Richard Ochen and Grace Mukasa Introduction steady learning through experience have revealed that they are best used if consciously interlinked. At each stage we asked ourselves: Redd Barna Uganda is a child-centred `What went wrong? Could we have done it organisation which is moving away from being better? Which other avenues exist?'. This an implementing organisation, to one which does all its work through partner organisations. article shares how we see the complementarity Rather than having a direct link with of six different methodologies, as PRA alone communities and community groups, we work cannot stimulate all the desired changes in the community for more child-centred with local NGOs and CBOs, and build their development. capacity to act as the link. All our activities and methodologies focus on enhancing the RBU's approach to PRA development, survival, protection and participation rights of the children of Uganda, without whom there would be no sustainable For us, PRA is not a rapid affair. Instead it is future. Central to this is the importance of one which takes up to 18 months with some participatory approaches ...
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