PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 17 Participatory research and ecological economics for biodiversity conservation in Vanuatu

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 17 Participatory research and ecological economics for biodiversity conservation in Vanuatu Luca Tacconi, based on research with Livo Mele Introduction applauded but, generally, poorly implemented. Yet it is not only due to a lack of will that the In Vanuatu, an island rich nation in the Pacific practical application of participatory principles Ocean, the Department of Forestry of Vanuatu is rare. Sometimes practical difficulties must (DOFV) has been working to conserve be overcome. biodiversity through the establishment of To be effective, biodiversity conservation protected areas. We contributed to this by usually demands the establishment of conducting research on local forestry use and willingness to conserve resources on two protected areas (PAs). But PAs may not match islands, Malekula and Erromango. local people's current development needs. How can we deal with this issue? In the Our findings needed to be relevant to the National Conservation Strategy of Vanuatu, developed through a process of community policy makers in the government of Vanuatu consultation, the government recognised the for the conservation of forests. At the same need to establish PAs for the benefit of current time, we were under pressure to produce good and future generations. It ...
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