PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 16 Two cheers for RRA

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1997
Product code:G01685

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 16 Two cheers for RRA Martin Whiteside Introduction I have facilitated both training and field appraisals in which the most appropriate approach was towards the RRA end of the During recent years there has been ever spectrum, but which, for funding and Public increasing emphasis on Participatory Rural Relations purposes was called PRA. This is Appraisal (PRA) rather than Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA). The change in name of crazy and unhelpful to everyone. IIED's journal from `RRA Notes' to `PLA Notes - Notes on Participatory Learning and When is RRA best? Action' is just one example of this change in emphasis. While this recognition of the So what then are the circumstances when it is importance of participation in development is better to use RRA? Here are some examples to be welcomed, it sometimes feels as is if from my experience, perhaps other readers can RRA has been left out in the cold and is no add theirs. longer sufficiently `politically correct'. In transient situations There has also been concern among PRA practitioners over the misuse of the PRA label During and after war or disaster, relief and and techniques. This concern has been ...

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(1997). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 16 Two cheers for RRA. .
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