PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 14 Limits and strengths of local participation: a case study in Eastern Amazonia

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 14 Limits and strengths of local participation: a case study in Eastern Amazonia Patricia Shanley, Jurandir Galvão and Leda Luz Species selection · Introduction Local participation was essential to the project. First, we needed to determine which NTFPs Local knowledge of natural resources is now were the most promising as options for recognised for its ecological value and is developing income generating activities. The subject to close scie ntific attention. Inclusion study aimed to provide environmental and of local communities in natural resource based economic information on NTFPs for which research and development projects is now markets could be developed. considered essential. Much attention has focused on promoting participation through The community aided us by reorienting our approaches such as RRA and PRA, which vision and thinking. While we approached the integrate local people into development forest with a botanical focus, assuming that efforts. However, in this article we describe flora would be of greatest import to villagers, the strengths of local participation and the it quickly became apparent that our priorities limits to local knowledge in a five year differed from theirs. Medicinal plants with the research and development project conducted in potential ...
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