PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 11 PRA and its complementarities with household survey methodologies

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1997
Product code:G01680

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 11 PRA and its complementarities with household survey methodologies Sarah Gammage · Introduction PRA provided an opportunity for local residents to express their environmental preferences and We undertook research in El Salvador to describe the social and economic institutions that determined resource use. Furthermore, the estimate the returns to different mangrove PRA process helped disseminate many local management scenarios. We wanted to compare resource management practices. It became the sustainable management of the mangroves to their conversion to shrimp and salt ponds. The apparent that the collapse of entitlement to the research was highly participatory with the mangroves had provoked unsustainable resource community measuring and articulating the value use. As community rights to use and cultivate of the mangroves and the consequences of their the mangroves were ceded to shrimp farmers, salt producers and loggers, pressure on the deforestation. PRA was a component of the existing system had forced the community to valuation exercise that incorporated a abandon previously viable management community definition of sustainable management. This reflected the `revealed strategies. It had increased the unsustainable preference'1 valuations of the community and dependency on mangrove timber and fuelwood, was in harmony with their management ...

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(1997). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 11 PRA and its complementarities with household survey methodologies. .
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