PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 10 Shotgun wedding or happy marriage? integrating PRA and sample surveys in Malawi

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1997
Product code:G01679

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 10 Shotgun wedding or happy marriage? integrating PRA and sample surveys in Malawi Martin Leach and Johns Kamangira · Introduction project interventions on an annual basis (including soil conservation methods, PAPPPA (Poverty Alleviation Programme agroforestry techniques to improve soil Pilot Project Agroforestry) is a soil fertility, improved seeds, and water and conservation and agroforestry project for small sanitation facilities) and to find out the reasons for adoption or non-adoption of practices so holder farmers which is implemented by the that project management could adjust their Malawi Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock strategies. While statistical accuracy and the Development and funded by the European Union. It is a large scale project with 89 sites1 ability to generalise the results of a sample involving in excess of 20,000 households and survey were considered essential for the task, stretching across a diversity of agroecological it was also important to utilise the fast, flexible zones in Malawi. This article describes how feedback available from PRA. the project has combined PRA with formal This situation raised a number of questions sample surveys to reap the benefits of both that needed addressing: approaches in its beneficiary adoption and assessment monitoring. ...

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(1997). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 10 Shotgun wedding or happy marriage? integrating PRA and sample surveys in Malawi. .
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