PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 Combining rapid appraisal with quantitative methods: an example from Mauritania

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 8 Combining rapid appraisal with quantitative methods: an example from Mauritania Robert Davis · Introduction though there was no explicit planning component, several of the communities RRA and PRA developed, among other involved did use the results to present reasons, out of a frustration with traditional themselves and their priorities to a variety of questionnaire surveys. However this paper government and non-government agencies in Mauritania. illustrates that there are several ways in which these tools can improve the results, and the For example, one community used the results analysis of results, from such surveys. The example comes from a research project that in on-going planning discussions with an contributed to my PhD. The research contained international NGO. The results enabled the no development planning component and thus outside agency to understand a key local I am reluctant to call the research PRA conflict and assist the villagers to expand a village gardening project. In another case a because this implies the analysing of village used the findings to submit a proposal knowledge `to plan and to act'. to several government agencies to expand income-generating activities. A third village However, I believe it can be ...
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