PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 3 Process documentation research

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 3 Process documentation research Amita Shah Introduction · inadequate time, practitioners rarely have time to write about or reflect on their Process documentation research (PDR) is a tool experiences. Without employing extra staff, to help development organisations learn from the systematic recording that is required by their experiences. It is an open-ended, inductive PDR could be very time consuming for field process that explores the interface between an staff. organisation and the people it works with. PDR takes a dynamic view of project implementation · Objectives and helps to make projects respond to context- specific requirements. It is especially relevant With this rationale, we undertook the PDR- for those organisations that emphasise the exercise. We wanted to generate information on importance of participatory processes. the socio-economic profile of the project villages and prepare a chronology of the critical This paper is based on the endeavours of the events in the process of project implementation. Gujarat Institute of Development Research in Additionally, we needed to identify factors that documenting the implementation of a social enabled, as well as constrained, project forestry project by a leading NGO, the Aga implementation and assess whether the project Khan ...
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