PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 1 A proper household' - exploring household and community dynamics in South Africa

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1997
Product code:G01670

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 1 A `proper household' - exploring household and community dynamics in South Africa Edward D. Breslin and Peter Delius · Introduction · Local perceptions of poverty Operation Hunger is a South African non- Operation Hunger's initial approach to the SA- governmental organisation concerned with the PPA was to try and gain a better understanding problems of chronic and acute malnutrition of how local people are classified within and poverty. Participatory methodologies are villages. Operation Hunger was aware of used at the village level to help understand the numerous local social categories of people, underlying causes of malnutrition and poverty. such as `commoners' or `royalty'. These did They are also used to develop plans to not necessarily conform to the conventional overcome the identified development economic classifications that are used by challenges and to monitor and evaluate the development practitioners, such as the `poor' impact of the implemented programmes. or `ultra poor'. Operation Hunger recently contributed to the Discussions with local people identified South African `Participatory Poverty poverty as a key issue from the outset. Yet Assessment' (SA -PPA)1. The SA-PPA was further and deeper discussion on poverty was commissioned by the South African limited. ...

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(1997). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 1 A proper household' - exploring household and community dynamics in South Africa. .
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