Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 Editorial Theme issue NGO, Community Mobilisation Against Desertification, in promoting the use of green Most of this issue of the manures in a lower potential district of Kenya. PLA Notes explores the complementarity of participatory approaches with other, more conventional From West Africa, Ichire Ojating and the research and development methodologies. The students of the Federal University of theme section of the Agriculture explore how PRA can help to Notes explores what is driving the creative combination of reveal traditional folklore. A better methodologies and discusses why understanding of the traditional knowledge complementarity seems to be both essential could be used to conserve the natural resources and effective for research and development of Nigeria. practice. However, it also highlights areas where compromise is likely. In the last article in the general section, Tim Russell describes a simple and quick way of undertaking pair wise ranking. This technique · In this issue is useful for prioritising or ranking lists of activities or problems. First however, this issue opens with a collection of more general articles. In the first The Extracts section in this issue contains two article Edward Breslin and Peter Delius articles. The first ...
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