PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 14 Scaling up or scaling down?
Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 14 Scaling up or scaling down? Kamal Kar and Sue Phillips Background side of CMDA, but was rather introduced by the donor agency. The local actors CMDA and The Slum Improvement Projects (SIPs) in CMC had been implementing the programme India aim to improve the standards of living of in their own way. Area coverage, target city slum dwellers. In an effort to integrate achievement, fund utilisation, report different facets of urban development, SIPs preparation, were important indicators of success. Activities, such as discussions and incorporate infrastructural improvements such meetings with the communities, were as drinking water provision, sanitation, roads, organised only occasionally. drainage, garbage collection and electricity. They also include the development of primary health care and community development The terminology of participation (community programmes such as pre-school, non formal empowerment, participatory planning and education, adult literacy, and economic implementation, participatory monitoring and evaluation, community decisions etc.). was development. Since the early 1990s, the used in seminars and workshops. Yet there Overseas Development Administration (ODA) was little sign of transforming the rhetoric into has funded SIPs. action. In this paper we attempt to share some of our experiences of institutionalising participatory Structure of ...
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