PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 13 The rush to scale: lessons being learned in Indonesia

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1996
Product code:G01660

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 13 The rush to scale: lessons being learned in Indonesia Nilanjana Mukherjee Introduction (particularly more women) in decision making and be based on better analysis of the causes of local problems. A training programme for UNICEF became involved in integrating village level `facilitators' of the improved participatory approaches into the nation-wide planning process had already been prepared by a system for village development planning in Indonesia about 18 months ago. This paper is a foreign consultant using ZOPP methodology. chronology of the events to date. Readers may However, its field testing during March-April draw their own conclusions from the story. This 1995 did not satisfy all the requirements. is, perhaps, a good example of what can happen The Department of Home Affairs has a group of when participatory approaches are national trainers. They wished to gain wider institutionalised, what it takes to make a exposure to the participatory planning methods difference, how far one can expect to go and things that can and cannot be controlled and being used in other developing countries and why. adapt what was relevant to the conditions in Indonesia. In response, UNICEF arranged a Formulation of annual plans for ...

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(1996). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 13 The rush to scale: lessons being learned in Indonesia. .
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