PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 The one who rides the donkey does not know the ground is hot'

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1988
Product code:G01655

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 8 `The one who rides the donkey does not know the ground is hot' Tony Dogbe Introduction well-being and understanding the needs and priorities which must be considered in the During a discussion with a focus group on their formulation of policies and programmes perception of poverty, a man in Komaka, a directed at reducing poverty. Phase 3 explored village in the Upper-East Region of Ghana, said, access to and utilisation of basic social services by the poor. 'the one who rides the donkey does not know the ground is hot'. He meant that the rich man cannot know or feel the poor man's problems South-South skills share and unless he gets off the donkey and walks on the networking ground or unless he asks the poor man. At the time of the PPA, we were not aware of I have chosen this proverb as the title for this anyone in-country who utilised PRA methods paper because it captures the essence of the widely. Thus, two experienced trainers from Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) India were brought in to do the training. This exercises that my organisation, the Centre for was in itself significant. Coming ...

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(1988). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 The one who rides the donkey does not know the ground is hot'. .
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