PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 7 The use of RRA to inform policy: observations from Madagascar and Guinea
Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 7 The use of RRA to inform policy: observations from Madagascar and Guinea Karen Schoonmaker Freudenberger Introduction discussions. By listening to what local people have to say and looking at issues from their Over the past five years I have been involved perspective, RRA helps policy analysts to in several initiatives using RRA1 to inform focus on the real impact that policies have, or policy decisions at the national level. In the might have, on grassroots communities. RRA two cases from which I draw examples here case studies add another dimension to policy (Madagascar and Guinea), the governments debates and help to anchor any discussion in were considering changes in the national land local realities. or resource management laws. USAID financed the services of the Land Tenure RRA empowers local communities Center (LTC, University of Wisconsin) to provide technical assistance to the Villagers who participate in an RRA study governments as they carried out their policy undertake a systematic analysis that addresses reviews. This article reflects on the potentials the impact of policies, or proposed policy, and pitfalls of using RRA case studies to changes on their lives. Having done this, they inform policy ...
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