PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 6 Participation, policy and institutionalisation An overview

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1996
Product code:G01653

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 6 Participation, policy and institutionalisation An overview John Thompson, Jo Abbot and Fiona Hinchcliffe Introduction policy environment and institutional culture within which PRAs are undertaken are Over a five day period, more than 70 PRA important factors that influence, if not practitioners from over 30 countries, determine, the long term success, sustainability representing a range of government and non- and replication of participatory processes. government agencies and a cross-section of disciplines, took part in two related workshops Participatory approaches and at the Institute of Development Studies, UK policy change (13-17 May 1996). The theme of the workshops was participation, policies and institutions. The The first workshop examined the influence of aim of these twin events was to take stock of participatory approaches on policy formulation current trends, review best practice, and explore and implementation. One question that emerged how recent participatory initiatives have led to is how appraisals undertaken to explore policy policy changes and the transformation of related issues can be participatory. Many of the organisational systems, structures, procedures papers noted that few (if any) benefits accrue to and cultures. local people through undertaking these appraisals. This section of PLA Notes includes some ...

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(1996). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 6 Participation, policy and institutionalisation An overview. .
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