PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 5 Assessing perceptions of basic minimum needs': a modified Venn diagram technique

Journal (part) article
PDF (158.82 KB)
Published: January 1996
Product code:G01652

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 5 Assessing perceptions of `basic minimum needs': a modified Venn diagram technique Carin Duchscherer and Duke Duchscherer Introduction to a BMN approach conduct BMN assessments. These form the basis of project planning and implementation. The concept of Basic Minimum Needs (BMN) emerged in the late 1970s as an alternative Approaches are needed that can be used by approach to development. It aims to enhance local communities to assess BMN. These the targeting of primary health care should be simple to understand and appropriate to the local level of education and programmes which previously had limited skills. Once delineated, they should provide a success in reaching rural communities. BMN methodology for communities to assess their is a socially-oriented and community-based development approach to fulfilling basic own problems, determine priorities, plan human and community needs. Ideally, it action and monitor and evaluate actions taken. represents a shift away from a sectoral view of We believe that a modified Venn diagram development, towards a more holistic process. (used with a range of other PRA techniques), is an effective means for communities to It strives for equity through democratic assess their own BMN. participation. The objectives of the ...

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(1996). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 5 Assessing perceptions of basic minimum needs': a modified Venn diagram technique. .
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