PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 4 Child health calendars: a type of case history
Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 4 Child health calendars: a type of case history Eleanor McGee draw something which evoked that month for Background her. Below each picture, the women were asked to The women who took part in this exercise are draw what was happening in the life of their the health representatives for a rural women's youngest child during that time, for the programme in Honduras. Each of them is selected by the base group she belongs to and previous 12 months. They were asked to attends workshops, the content of which she include progress as well as illnesses. A few of shares with her group in between visits from the women had no young children so reported the core health team. The women had been on a grandchild. When mothers could not recall when an incident had occurred they attending these workshops for over a year at were encouraged to focus on pictures for each the time of doing this exercise, which served month to help them to recall what else was as a review of the programme. It enabled the women to explore patterns of illness and happening in their lives at that time. The ...
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