PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 2 Farmers' on-farm participatory research: experiences in Ethiopia

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1996
Product code:G01649

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 2 Farmers' on-farm participatory research: experiences in Ethiopia Ejigu Jonfa Introduction Farmer participatory research FARM Africa is a non-governmental Farmer participation in research is not a new organisation (NGO) registered as a charity in concept. In Ethiopia, as in other parts of the Britain. One of its four Ethiopian project's is world, experience has shown that technologies the Farmers' Research Project. This has been which are developed on research stations, are conducting projects in North Omo, Southern often not adopted by farmers. This is because Ethiopia, since 1991 The project's aim, is to the technologies do not meet farmers needs or raise the incomes of resource poor households, recognise their constraints. Farming systems by improving agricultural technology. Farmers research has helped develop technologies that Participatory Research (FPR) is the approach are more appropriate to small farmers, because adopted by the project. farmers themselves actively participate in the generation and evaluation of technology. The Farmers' Research Project attempts to improve the institutional environment and For FARM-Africa, FPR is agricultural level of knowledge about participatory research in which farmers take part in making research. It also aims to enhance the skills of decisions about the research ...

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(1996). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 2 Farmers' on-farm participatory research: experiences in Ethiopia. .
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