PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 16 Tips for trainers: leadership circles

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1995
Product code:G01588

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 16 Tips for trainers: leadership circles Adrian Jackson Objective 6. After both rounds have been played ask To generate discussion about what leadership them to sit down in their circle. Explain is, can be, and should be; to identify positive that when you count to three you want and negative aspects of leadership; and to them to point to the person in the circle who they think was the leader in the first establish group norms about leadership. round. Time 7. Count to three. Most people should be pointing to someone. Go around each 20 - 30 minutes circle and ask them what it was about the person's behaviour that made them a Procedure leader. If you have enough time, write down different aspects of leadership on a flipchart. 1. Ask the group to form circles of about 6 - 8 people, looking inwards and holding hands (if culturally acceptable). 8. Repeat step 7, but this time asking them to point to the person who they think was the 2. Tell them that when they close their eyes, leader in the second round. you will walk around the circles and tap 9. Debrief thoroughly ...

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(1995). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 16 Tips for trainers: leadership circles. .
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