PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 14 Participatory educational theatre for HIV/AIDS awareness in Kenya

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1995
Product code:G01586

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 14 Participatory educational theatre for HIV/AIDS awareness in Kenya Roger Chamberlain, Mindy Chillery, Lenin Ogolla and Ochieng Wandera Introduction This approach poses questions and problems, rather than supplying answers and solutions. CARE Kenya's CRUSH project on HIV/AIDS The aim is to bring about change in the target works in Kisumu District in Nyanza Province, community's perception of the world and Western Kenya. CRUSH stands for themselves as individuals within it. By Communication Resources for Under 18s on changing perceptions we do not simply mean STDs and HIV. It is a programme for out-of- raising awareness, but allowing the community school youths which aims to prevent and to examine their attitudes towards the control STDs and HIV. The programme also unresolved dilemmas and contradictions seeks to enlist adult support from communities presented in the drama which reflects their for youth education programmes for AIDS lives. prevention and control. I was approached by CRUSH to collaborate with them on developing A PET project aims to communicate first to the drama and theatre component of their people through their emotions and to then allow project. the participants to reflect on and examine these feelings objectively. The PET ...

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(1995). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 14 Participatory educational theatre for HIV/AIDS awareness in Kenya. .
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