PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 Some notes on conducting PRA training in Nepal

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1995
Product code:G01580

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 8 Some notes on conducting PRA training in Nepal Saloni Singh and Birendra Bir Basnyat Introduction On participants In recent years in many developing countries In this training the participants were very PRA has gained increasing popularity among heterogenous in terms of experience, socio- NGOs as a powerful technique to involve local economic background, educational people in planning, implementing, monitoring qualifications, position in the organisations and evaluating development projects. Nepal is and so on. Often trainers do not like to train no exception. Increasingly, the interest of heterogenous groups. In the beginning it donor agencies in participatory approaches has seemed a challenge for us, but we came to led many professionals and trainers to conduct realise that a heterogenous group of PRA training here in Nepal. But they would, participants is an advantage for conducting certainly, be deeply hurt if they knew that PRA training. In our view, sharing experiences many ex-participants of those PRA trainings among the participants was a factor that argue that they would never suggest any one to contributed to the success of the training. For participate in PRA training in future. This is, this it is essential that trainers ...

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(1995). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 Some notes on conducting PRA training in Nepal. .
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