PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 5 Villagers in Sri Lanka plan their future in partnership with government development authorities
Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 5 Villagers in Sri Lanka plan their future in partnership with government development authorities Kamal Kar, Gareth Phillips and Sunil Liyanage Introduction smaller programmes covering a more limited area. Although there have been applications of The North Western Province Dry Zone the methodologies in government field Participatory Development Project in Sri Lanka institutions, experiences are rather dispersed is implemented through the Ministry of Policy, and not systematically reviewed. It appears that Planning and Implementation, supported by the at present due to international demand and International Fund for Agricultural internal pressure the participatory jargon has Development (IFAD) and GTZ. Its main entered government departments often without objective is to improve the standard of living of substantial changes taking place. Even where the rural poor in the dry zone of the North the governments of developing countries are Western Province. It aims to do this through the gradually bringing in changes geared towards formation of village resource management encouraging people's participation in plans, prepared mainly by the villagers development, the vast and old organisational themselves using locally trained facilitators and set-up and traditional functioning of the PRA methods. departments mostly remain unchanged and are designed to ...
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