Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 Editorial You cannot have failed to noticed the recent process. He outlines a method called force-field proliferation of special issues of the Notes. analysis which can help to determine the Although providing valuable material in constraints and opportunities which shape the considerable depth, they have meant a long wait future of any aspect of development. His article for those of you submitting more general provides us with two case studies from widely articles. We feel that both types of article are differing contexts - public transport and primary useful, and so are trying to combine them in school education - illustrating the potential of `semi-special' issues. In this issue, along with such a method. These two pieces - suggesting 10 general articles, we are including a small ways of linking community appraisal to selection of pieces which describe experiences analyses of broader political and economic and discuss issues relating to participatory forces - point to one area where PRA approaches to HIV and AIDS programmes. We approaches still need further development. hope that these few articles, and the useful editorial overview by Alice Welbourn, will If external influence is one type of force which ...
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