PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 Comparison of RRA and intensive residential study: the case of Marit, Plateau state, Nigeria RRA Workshop Participants (Marit Team) and Newcastle University Expedition

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1993
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01464

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 8 Comparison of RRA and intensive residential study: the case of Marit, Plateau state, Nigeria RRA Workshop Participants (Marit Team) and Newcastle University Expedition Introduction south. Significant minorities of Hausa, Fulani, Birom and Mwaghaval also live in the village. The advantages of RRA as compared with conventional survey have become widely The main economic activities in Marit are accepted over the past decade. There now agriculture, livestock husbandry and small- seems little doubt that RRA can quickly scale tin-mining. The people of Marit are generate adequate information for rural locally renowned for their skill in rain-fed development planning. However, the farming. Maize and Irish potatoes are the main promotion of this methodology has not been crops grown, with smaller amounts of acca accompanied by much critical examination. (the small-grain cereal Digitaria exalis), beans Little attempt has been made to crosscheck the and sweet potatoes. During the dry-season results of RRA's with those of other methods, (November to April), Irish potatoes, maize and which though less rapid could prove more tomatoes are produced by small-scale reliable. In an attempt to tentatively address irrigation. Livestock husbandry involves this issue, the results of an exploratory RRA cattle-rearing, ...

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(1993). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 Comparison of RRA and intensive residential study: the case of Marit, Plateau state, Nigeria RRA Workshop Participants (Marit Team) and Newcastle University Expedition. .
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