PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 6 Training workshop on participatory rural appraisal for planning health projects

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1992
Product code:G01443

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 6 Training workshop on participatory rural appraisal for planning health projects Sheelu Francis, John Devavaram, Arunothayam Erskin Introduction Our field workers had done a lot of spade work for the training workshop dividing themselves The 1980s have seen the growth of the use of into small committees, i.e. food committee, RRA in health and nutrition. The mode of RRA local arrangements, accommodation, purchase. was initially mainly extractive: that is Some of the staff were also participants. The we learning from them and analysing data later by earlier experiences of conducting PRA training ourselves. This took a change and in the late workshops had helped our staff to plan and 80s PRA `analysis of information by them', implement individual responsibility well. At the was given importance and most analysis end of each day, the SPEECH staff team met, happened in the field. SPEECH, Society for though it was as late as midnight some days, to Peoples' Education and Economic CHange, had evaluate the day's performance and correct it an opportunity to be introduced to the technique then and there. and were convinced of its relevance. We have been practising it in our work area since ...

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(1992). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 6 Training workshop on participatory rural appraisal for planning health projects. .
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