PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 4 RRA has a role to play in developed countries

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1988
Product code:G01339

Innovations in agricultural research and development characterised by FSR, FSR&D, FSR&E, farmer first and last models and the utilisation of RRA/agroecosystems analysis have been almost totally confined to developing countries. Despite a long established tradition of agricultural research in Australia there have been few recent innovations in research methodology other than the development of quantitative or simulation modelling (see Remenyi, 1985) and more recently an increased focus on expert systems. The international debate surrounding the conceptual validity of the ‘transfer of technology’ model of research and development is only beginning to be heard in this country. The debate is being fostered by farmers (e.g. Martin, Baldwin and Hutchings, 1989) and others concerned with the widening gap between research and extension and the failure of ‘technology adoption’ (Anderson, 1983; Johnston et al, 1983). Here we report on the first RRA conducted in Australia. We are aware that RRA has been utilised in Minnesota (Vernon Cardwell pers. comm.) and that there is increasing interest in these research approaches in the U.S. (Anon. 1989).

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Ampt, P. and Ison, R. (1988). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 4 RRA has a role to play in developed countries. .
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