PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 5 Peasant lore
Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 5 Peasant lore The reasons why people grow owned. They chatted further and then the trees dealer said he thought the cat was so fine that he would like to purchase it. The peasant demurred at first but after several minutes of One of the outcomes of ranking methods is that they produce a fascinating variety of haggling agreed to sell the cat. The dealer was delighted but concealed his pleasure and as he reasons why people prefer one tree or crop to was about to depart said casually: another. `I shall need something to give the cat its milk, Two examples from Kenya: so if you don't mind I'll take that old saucer as well.' · Tall isolated trees are often justifiably avoided because they stand the risk of `You can have the cat' replied the peasant, being struck by lightning. But one tall `but not the saucer. We need the saucer to sell local Kenyan tree (species unfortunately cats'. unidentified) standing beside a house was claimed to be a lightning repellent. · One woman questioned about the tall Eucalyptus beside her house said she liked it because it told everyone where her ...
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