Policy learning in action: developing markets for watershed protection services and improved livelihoods Report of an evaluation
Developing markets for watershed protection services and improved livelihoods - evaluation report. Working Paper No. 17
IIED has enabled country-based partners to pursue programmes at field sites in India, Indonesia, South Africa and the Caribbean (where 5 countries were involved in the project). At these sites, country partners and IIED have taken an ‘action learning approach’ to develop schemes for payments for watershed services (PWS). These sites are providing IIED and its partners with an important opportunity for real time learning about the process of developing payments for watershed services and their potential impact on the poorer residents of the watersheds. In Bolivia and China, project partners are assessing the potential for PWS through a series of diagnostic studies. Within each country, learning groups have been set up to allow stakeholders to compare and disseminate lessons to policymakers. At an international level, country partners – together with IIED – have compared experiences and extracted lessons at annual project advisory group meetings.
Comprehensive accounts of the project activities, work plans, and publications etc. are available at the project website: www.iied.org/NR/forestry/projects/water.html. This central website gives access to the websites set up by each of the national partners where further information on the project activities conducted by these partners is posted.
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