Policy influences on forest-based livelihoods in Himachal Pradesh, India
Poor people often rely heavily on forest goods and services. This report explores how policy has influenced, and not influenced, the relationship between poor people and trees, and how in future
policy might increase its influence for the better, in Himachal Pradesh (HP), India. There is a particular focus on five major policy arenas: Panchayati Raj institutions, timber distribution rights, joint forest management, nomadic graziers and medicinal plants. This report highlights that though these arenas are messy, evidence from changes over time suggest that there are ways of linking sound information and experience to well-wielded policy argument and key political moments to hasten change in the right direction for forest-linked livelihoods. The report concludes by
highlighting options to improve the policy process.
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Available at https://www.iied.org/g00331