Financial summary 2014

The summarised financial statements are extracted from the full statutory trustees’ annual report and financial statements which were approved by the trustees and signed on their behalf on 17 July 2014.

IIED's expenditure increased from £7.6 million in 2005/06 to £19.4 million in 2013/14. IIED helps give local savers, such as these in Cochabamba, Bolivia, a global voice (Photo: Shack Dwellers International via Creative Commons 2.0)

IIED's expenditure increased from £7.6 million in 2005/06 to £19.4 million in 2013/14. IIED helps give local savers, such as these in Cochabamba, Bolivia, a global voice (Photo: Shack Dwellers International via Creative Commons 2.0)

Current growth has seen expenditure increase strongly from £16.3m in 2012/13 to £19.4m in the year, an increase of 18%. Payments to collaborating organisations for project work amounted to £7.7m, representing 40 per cent of the overall charitable expenditure, against £5.7m in 2012/13, 35 per cent of overall charitable expenditure.

Unrestricted reserves increased marginally from £2.6m to £2.7m, after a £200,251 reduction in the Building and Capital Fund designated reserve, which tracks the value of leasehold improvements over the remaining lease period on the Gray's Inn Road site. The unrestricted reserves are the equivalent of 14 per cent of expenditure for 2013–14.

IIED's strategy for 2014-19 Engaging for Change is ambitious, anticipating continued growth in our four principal research groups and other areas, and bringing together staff across the organisation to deliver on our four new change initiatives.

To support this, our Business Plan (our thinking on 'how') will be more fully developed. In addition, a number of diagnostic exercises carried out over the past couple of years have reinforced the need for IIED to strengthen its operations. Both of these elements will require the institute to continue its steady growth over the next five years.

Previous reports

See the financial summaries from previous years: 2013

2013/14 financial summary

Statement of financial activities (incorporating an income and expenditure account) for the year ended 31st March 2014
Unrestricted funds (£) Restricted funds (£) IIED total 2014 (£) IIED total 2013 (£)
Incoming resources
Incoming resources from generated funds
Voluntary Income 652 - 652 -
Investment Income 11,045 3,539 14,584 24,288
Incoming resources from charitable activities 11,697 3,539 15,236 24,288
Commissioned studies and research 38,656 19,346,233 19,384,889 16,266,353
Other incoming resources - 310 310 10,342
Total incoming resources 50,353 19,350,082 19,400,435 16,300,983
Resources expended
Charitable activities
Commissioned studies and research 139,073 19,128,830 19,267,903 16,280,639
Governance costs 116,937 - 116,937 98,945
Total resources expended 256,010 19,128,830 19,384,840 16,379,584
Net income/ (expenditure) for the year before transfers -205,657 221,252 15,595 -78,601
Transfers between funds 221,252 -221,252 - -
Net movement in funds 15,595 - 15,595 -78,601
Funds brought forward at 1 April 2013 2,643,259 - 2,643,259 2,721,860
Funds carried forward at 31 March 2014 2,658,854 - 2,658,854 2,643,259

All amounts relate to continuing operations. There are no other recognised gains and losses other than those shown above.


Government and Government Agencies    
Agence Francaise de Developpement, France
Australian Agency for International Development
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK
Department for International Development, UK
Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK
Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Norwegian Embassy, Mozambique
Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

International and Multilateral Agencies
Centre for International Forestry Research
European Commission
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation Development
UN Development Programme
UN Environment Programme
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
UN Habitat
UN Food and Agriculture Organization
UN International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction
UN Population Fund
World Bank

Foundations and NGOs    
3ie International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
The Asahi Glass Foundation
Arcus Foundation
Asia Foundation
Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research
African Wildlife Foundation
Bernstein Family Foundation
Howard G Buffett Foundation
Care International
Climate Change Agriculture Food Security
Climate and Development Knowledge Network
Climate Analytics
Climate and Land Use Alliance
Comic Relief
Danish 92 Group
Ecosystems Service for Poverty Alleviation
Ford Foundation
Green Park Consultants
International Council on Mining and Minerals
Institute of Development Studies
International Development Research Center
Ecologic Institute
Institute of International Education
International Livestock Research Institute
International Centre for Environment Management
International Water Management Institute
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Mava Foundation
National Environmental Research Council
New Economics Foundation
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Overseas Development Institute
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Oxfam UK
Oxfam Novib
Plan International
Practical Action
Pyoe Pin
Renewal Energy and Energy Efficiency
Rockefeller Foundation, USA
Save the Children
Slum/Shack Dwellers International
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Christensen Fund
Tanzania Natural Resource Forum
Tufts University
US Fish and Wildlife Service
University College London
University Of Copenhagen
University Of Edinburgh
University Of York
Vanguard Charitable
Wageningen University
World Resources Institute