COP15 UN Climate Change Conference
IIED's researchers attended the 2009 UN climate change summit in Copenhagen. Learn about the work we did to share information and research and host side events.

A plenary session at COP15 (Photo: UNclimatechange, Creative Commons, via Flickr)
The 15th United Nations Climate Change Conference took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, between 7 and 18 December 2009.
For a summary of the negotiations and outcomes see COP 15 - review and analysis, by Saleemul Huq, Achala Chandani and Simon Anderson.
A revealing insight into what happened when 193 governments tried – and failed – to agree a global deal to tackle climate change can be seen in our documentary The Climate Game and the world's poor.
COP15 video blogs
Saleemul Huq, IIED senior researcher, provided regular video updates from the negotiations.
Development & Climate Days
IIED and partners organised the Development & Climate Days event. This annual side event at COP provides an opportunity for individuals and organisations to share their latest knowledge and experiences. The closing session featured a high-level panel of speakers, including President Nasheed of the Maldives, Tanzania's Environment minister Batilda Burian and Charity Kaluki Ngilu, Kenya’s minister of water and irrigation.
Film festival
The Development and Climate Film Festival gives a platform for amateur and independent film-makers from around the world to showcase short films on issues relating to climate change. The festival aims to promote films which raise awareness, share ideas, and convey important messages in a creative and engaging way.
Afloat - a film from IIED and Panos
'In the night-time we are sleeping, but we are all afraid of big storms, because then we might all die. There is water everywhere. We are in the middle.’ This film shows how in Bangladesh people are combining tradition and innovation to adapt to climate change.
Our focus for COP15
Least Developed Countries
Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are by definition the poorest nations in the world. Currently there are a total of 50 LDCs, with roughly 65 per cent located in Africa. A number of LDCs are additionally recognised as Small Island Developing States (SIDS) whose low-lying geographical location increases their vulnerability to impacts of climate change such as sea level rise and tropical storms.
Economics and equity of adaptation
IIED also looks at the economics of adaptation, providing decision makers with tools and options for effective adaptation. Our economics work seeks to provide decision support with information researched and collated from working with our partners from these changing environments.
REDD: reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation
Deforestation is a global issue. Beyond its destructive impacts on biodiversity and the livelihoods of forest-dependent people, it is a major driver of climate change and accounts for roughly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. The bulk of carbon dioxide emissions come from deforestation in just seven tropical countries, including Brazil and Indonesia. REDD could offer a way forward.
- Costs of adapting to climate change significantly under-estimated - UN climate negotiations should aim for substantially more funding - Download Report (PDF 2Mb)
- ‘Food miles’ mantra can be ‘miles worse’ for climate and communities, say Oxfam and IIED - Download PDF
- Billions at stake in climate finance: four key lessons
- Cultivating success: the need to climate-proof Tanzanian agriculture
- The Adaptation Fund: a model for the future?
- Community-based adaptation to climate change: an update
- National adaptation funding: ways forward for the poorest countries
- Saleemul Huq, COP15 video blog on YouTube
- IIED's Saleemul Huq and Fiona Harvey from the Financial Times talk to CNBC news. First shown 23 September 2009